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We love our partners

If you're passionate about making a difference in the lives of immigrant and refugee families, we invite you to join forces with us. Together, let's build bridges of connection, compassion, and community. Contact us to explore partnership opportunities!

چگونه کمک می کنیم


Empower Families

Partner with BCCC to empower immigrant and refugee families through comprehensive wrap-around services.


Build Relationships & Share Christ's Love

Join forces with BCCC to build relationships and share the transformative message of Christ's love with immigrant and refugee families.

Featured Partner

World Relief

World Relief is an Evangelical Christian humanitarian non-governmental organization, the humanitarian arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, and a leading refugee resettlement agency.

To empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable.


BCCC serves as a World Relief Affiliate as a Refugee Resettlement & Placement office.


Active Partners

The organizations that help make all of this possible

Partner Inquiry

Become a Partner

We get a lot of questions, you can drop us an email, call us, or come find our primary location

