
Atención integral para todos los aspectos de la vida.

Nuestros clientes reciben atención personalizada de nuestros socios locales y trabajadores sociales autorizados para satisfacer sus necesidades físicas, emocionales, profesionales, legales y espirituales.

Cómo ayudamos


100% de clientes aumentan capital social

El indicador #1 para salir de la pobreza es tener amistades fuera de tu nivel socioeconómico


Planes de desarrollo de trabajadores sociales autorizados

Autosuficiencia y Bienestar Holístico a través de planes de desarrollo adaptados a tus necesidades

Socorro, restauración y desarrollo

Develop Self-Sufficiency

We recognize that in order to flourish, immigrants must become self-sufficient. Sufficiency begins with development. Licensed social workers assess your unique needs, and work with you to develop plans for success, as well as helping with the many needs that arise as they resettle in the USA. These may include the following:

  • healthcare needs, including making and getting to doctor appointments
  • physical needs, including housing, furniture, transportation, and utilities
  • government needs, including citizenship tests, appointments at social security office, and getting a driver's license
  • community involvement, including connecting with others from a similar background and country and ESL classes
  • financial needs, including creating and living by a budget

Desarrollo a largo plazo

We walk with clients for 3-5 years to ensure holistic care and development. Important things don’t happen overnight; these things take time and we’re here with you for the long-haul. We have seen that it typically takes 3-5 years and we'll be with you every step of the way.

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Orientación Cultural

Understanding Life in The USA

Monday night classes designed around a specific topic to help clients understand living in The United States of America. Classes are introductory in nature. Many of these topics are covered in further detail in other programs.

Obtenga información sobre las costumbres y normas de América del Norte

Explore temas como comida, educación y más para comprender mejor su nueva comunidad.

Siéntete más cómodo navegando en situaciones cotidianas.

Nuestras clases le brindarán conocimientos prácticos para vivir con confianza en los EE. UU.

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Mentalidad sana y emociones sanas

Consejería para Trauma

We provide free counseling for all clients suffering from trauma-related experiences. If the counselor feels the client is in need of psychiatric care, free psychiatric services are available through a partnership with Hunter Street's Health Clinic.

Accede a asesoramiento gratuito para procesar experiencias traumáticas

Offer guidance in emotional healing and mental wellness support

Receive referrals to psychiatric services for further support

Through our partnership with Hunter Street's Health Clinic, clients can access additional mental health care when needed

Todos los programas

Ofrecemos una amplia variedad de programas para atender todos los ámbitos de la vida.