Seguridad alimentaria

Seguridad alimentaria

Food for the Whole Family

Through partnerships with organizations around the city, all clients served will have food security. This involves helping clients sign up for food stamps and accessing resources from food banks.

Cómo ayudamos

Reliable access to healthy meals

Our partnerships with local organizations help clients sign up for food stamps and connect with food banks

Address a fundamental need for overall well-being

By providing food security, we support clients' physical and emotional health, allowing them to have the focus needed for all areas of life

Seguridad alimentaria

Food for the Whole Family

Through partnerships with organizations around the city, all clients served will have food security. This involves helping clients sign up for food stamps and accessing resources from local food banks.

Seguridad alimentaria

We will ensure access to nutritious food for all of our clients through local partnerships around town.

Food Security Programming

We offer a variety of classes, services, and events. See the programs that are of most use to you. Attend, register, as needed.


Men can attend


Women can attend


Childcare provided


Catered Meal


Potluck Meal


Free Service

Food Pantry

Through partnerships with organizations around the city, all clients served will have food security. This involves helping clients sign up for food stamps and accessing resources from food banks.