Primeros trabajos

Primeros trabajos

Secure a livable wage

Learn how to fill out a job application, create a resume, answer questions in a job interview, and obtain a job making a liveable wage.

Cómo ayudamos

Gain skills for filling out applications and resumes

Learn how to effectively present yourself to potential employers

Find a job that pays a liveable wage

Achieve financial stability through gainful employment

Primeros trabajos

Secure a livable wage

Having a job leads to self-sufficiency, which is one of our goals for all our clients. We will work with you to help you learn the skills you need in order to learn how to fill out a job application, create a resume, answer questions in a job interview, and obtain a job making a livable wage. 

Job Opportunities

We partner with local businesses around town to help provide our clients with job opportunities that will provide a livable wage, as well as opportunity for growth and development. Clients will learn skills that will help them join the workforce in Birmingham.